Basic Information Paper


(Updated March 27 – 2009)


What ~ Definitions

Global Musketeers Account (GMA) is a kind of Bank Account and an idea of increasing Worldwide Solidarity.

Each GMA Community elects a Prefect as Manager of their Global Musketeers Account.

1) One for All

During the first ten Days in each and every Month
the Participants makes a GMA Contribution.

2) Calculation

During the next ten Days the Prefect
a) counts the Number of Participants,
b) adds the Contributions to a Total and
c) divides the Total with the Number of Participants
to find the Payback-Dividend of this Month.

3) All for One

During the last ten Days of the Month, the Prefect makes a Bank Transfer
of the Payback-Dividend to the Bank Account of each Participant.

Why ~ Aims

The Aim of Global Musketeers Account is to Make Poverty History.

Where to ~ Goals

The UN World Bank establishing a World Citizen Account belonging to every single World Citizen.

The United Nations every month contributing a Granted Basic Income
to the account of every World Citizen, sponsored by Global Consciousness, Care and Capacity.

To prevent Poverty, Hunger, Terrorism and War.

To encourage Human Welfare, Creativity, Integrity and Prosperity.


Se, how it works!

Like a Water Pump, re-oxygenating the Waters of a Lake,
helping it to breath and sustain new Life
Global Musketeers Account
(and a UN-financed Granted Basic Income)
might energize the Earth,
stimulating Humanity, Integrity & Prosperity